Actions are run by the actionsvr daemon, which has a pair of log files,
/usr/OV/log/nvaction.alog and blog. All stdout and stderr messages put out
by your scripts and commands go in there. If you run your action command
in a script with tracing turned on (set -x in ksh), the output will be in
these logs.
James Shanks
Tivoli (NetView for UNIX) L3 Support
Dimitri Setti <Dimitri.Setti@FCCRT.IT> on 10/09/98 08:02:03 AM
Please respond to Discussion of IBM NetView and POLYCENTER Manager on
NetView et alia <NV-L@UCSBVM.UCSB.EDU>
cc: (bcc: James Shanks)
Subject: Re: Ruleset
Hi at all......
I use Netview 5.0 on Aix 4.2.1.
I have created my ruleset , that forwards traps and makes actions when
matchs some conditions.
It seems all ok, but I have this funny behavior : one action that send me a
messagge acts twice....
why this? can I make a debug ? and how?