we have a token-ring class b with 800+ nodes. obviously the corresponding
map is not very helpful.
i tried to split the map-topology into class c segments.
my class b net is
in the "IP Internet" map i added the object "IP Network" with the
label="" and
set the Object Attribute "Network Subnet Mask" to
now i expected netview to join all nodes from this logical subnet under the
new network-icon. but the new submap remains empty.
please don't tell me that i have swap the nodes manually into the new
topology schema.
i know i could accomplish this task via collections, but i have further
ideas which can't be defined that way
(e.g. showing the collision domains in bridged subnets).
Mit freundlichen Gruessen - Yours sincerely
Giscard Fuchs
CompuNet Berlin
System Engineering
Mariendorfer Damm 1-3, 12099 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 30 70785-147, Fax: +49 30 70785-130, Mobile: 0172/8212409
Internet: giscard.fuchs @ gecits-eu.com