I always use a monitor or top tool to watch the processes (expecially when
nways is
installed) and I have noticed that it is normal for that process to jump up
and take a
lot of cpu for a little while and then die down. On a lower-power box it
may take a little
longer to finish whatever it is that it does, but it should drop to next to
nothing after
a while. Don't kill it. And make sure you are running the current supported
of nways (1.2.2) and have pulled the latest java stuff from the nways
Here's an html file of the announcement letter for 1.2.2 with urls for all
the stuff you
really need to know about running Nways!
(See attached file: nwalett.htm)
Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking
It looks like the java-performance-management part from nways 1.2.2
Dror Katzman wrote:
> Subject: JdmServerImpl daemon is eating up cpu .
> Customer has aix 421 , nv 4 u451880 , and nways 122 .
> We recently see that this daemon eats up the cpu
> root 10190 52.7 3.0 14016 14156 - A 14:55:12 3:33 java
> ibm/nways/jdm/JdmServerImp
> This process is in such from boot till shutdown .
> Can any body help ?
> Dror Katzman
> I moved from VM to Lotus Notes . If you have nickname for me please
change it
> to :
> >From VM send to zdror at ibmil
> >From INTERNET to zdror@il.ibm.com
> >From Lotus to Dror Katzman/Israel/IBM
> Dror Katzman
> Software Ce IBM Israel
> 2 Witzman St TelAviv
> Office 972 3 6978251
> Mobile 972 52 554251
> fax 972 3 6978539
Mit freundlichen Gruessen / With best regards
Stefan Schickling
Technical Consultant
m+s Elektronik AG
eMail: stefan_schickling@mus.de
![Welcome to IBM Networking]() |
Document: | GI3157E |
Revised: | 11/13/98 |
Subject: | Nways Manager for AIX V1.2.2 (PTF U458746) is now available |
Classifications |
Nways Manager for AIX v1.2 - -ALL- |
Nways® Manager for AIX® V1.2.2 (PTF U458746) is available for upgrading from Nways Manager for AIX V1.2.X. It is a free upgrade. If you install it on top of Nways Manager for AIX V1.1 or lower it will run as a non-licensed, "try-and-buy" version.
Before installing, you should view the following important information:
To order this PTF, call 1-800-CALL-AIX in the US or the IBM support organization in your country and ask for PTF U458746.
The following features are included in PTF U458746:
New pre-recs - JDK (click here to see this JDK download package -->
New Device Management- 8245 Ethernet Stackable Hub JMA
The 8245 series of Ethernet Stackable Hubs consists of 12 and 24 port managed and manageable units with many features that make monitoring and configuring a LAN easy and efficient. The 8245 is designed for use in medium sized work groups or remote locations that are part of a large campus network. The 8245 series has four models, two managed with 12 or 24 ports, and two manageable with 12 or 24 ports. One managed hub in a stack can manage all the manageable hubs in the stack.
For the 8245 Device View, the hotspots are:
Ethernet ports
8245 device
Optional modules
There is one EIA 232 connector. It is the service port to which a console can be attached for direct communication with and configuration of the 8245. It has no status.
- 8239 Token-Ring Stackable Hub JMA
The 8239 is a stackable concentrator that allows token-ring stations to share a network. Up to eight 8239s can be interconnected to form a stack. The stack connection provides a control path as well as a token-ring data path. The control path is an internal token-ring segment used by the stack units to communicate with each other. The token-ring data path connects the stack units into a shared token-ring network for user traffic.
For the 8239 Device View, the hotspots are:
Token-Ring ports
Media management using the Token-ring surrogate
What information is displayed and is manageable is dependent upon the permissions associated with the community name that is being used to access the 8239 agent. Insufficient permissions can result in a lack of graphics as well as an inability to read or write any or all of the functions.
Performance may become an issue with larger stacks.
- 8271 Ethernet LAN Switch JMA
The IBM 8271 Nways Ethernet LAN Switch family of products extends the benefits of LAN switching to the user's desktop. These switches are ideal for upgrading workgroup and campus LANs in small- to-medium size establishments that are experiencing Ethernet LAN congestion.
For the 8271 Models 524, 612, 624, and 712 Device View, the hotspots are:
Ethernet ports
Optional Modules
the 8271 device
For the 8271 Models E12, E24, F12, and F24 Device View, the hotspots are:
the 8271 device
- 8275 Ethernet LAN Switch JMA
The 8275 Ethernet LAN Switch is designed to connect local groups of workstations to a campus backbone network,
providing a cost-effective solution to traffic congestion on the backbone.
The 8275 provides 12 Ethernet ports, with an optional slot for one of the following modules:
100TX module
100FX module
100MI module
The Network Utility is a 2-slot chassis that can be configured as one of the following:
a TN3270E server
a DLSw Router
an APPN DLUR server
For the Network Utility Device View, the hotspots are:
the system card
installed adapters
- MSS Client/Domain Client JMA
The MSS Client and MSS Domain Client are modules for the 8270 Nways Token-Ring Switch, 8271 Nways Ethernet Switch, and 8272 Nways Token-Ring LAN Switch that support devices that run on ATM, including ATM-attached workstations, ATM bridges, and ATM LAN switches. In this environment, the MSS Clients perform these functions:
LAN emulation
Classical IP over ATM
Routing and bridging support
Fast Token-Ring over ATM
There are two types of MSS Client: the MSS Domain Client, which is a 1-slot module, and the MSS Client, which is a 2-slot module that incorporates a PCI adapter.
New functions 8271 Ethernet LAN Switch
8239 Token-Ring Stackable Hub
8245 Ethernet Stackable Hub
Support in Java Management applications.
- Tivoli Network/Inventory Profile 1.0
Inventory information for the 8260 and 8265 from ATMC. This function requires TME 10 Integration Pack for Nways Manager. Components:Network/Inventory Integration Profile 1.0
IBM Nways Manager Inventory Scanner 1.0 Prerequisites:TME 10 Framework 3.2 or 3.6
TME 10 Inventory 3.2 or 3.6 Home page and Navigation bar integration support. The function requires NetView v5.1
- Performance Analyzer for Java Managed Devices
Capability to browse information in database and create custom reports
Specialized report that provides response time data for groups of TN3270e clients
The Config Tool Locator utility scans your system for installed GUI configuration programs and saves information about them so that the device management applications for the 2210, 2216, MSS, MSS Client/Domain Client and Network Utility can locate them.
The Config Tool Locator utility locates previously installed versions of the GUI configuration tools and modifies their path and registration information to make them visible to Nways Manager.
You should run Config Tool Locator after installing Nways Manager and after you install or uninstall a GUI configuration tool.
Enhanced Device Management - 8210 Multiprotocol Switched Services Server JMA
Box graphic for V2- 2210 Multiprotocol Router
APPN Extended Border Node
Remote LAN Access
CPU Utilization - 2216 Multiaccess Connector JMA
Parallel Channel adapter
Fast Token Ring adapter
4/8 Port ISDN Primary adapter
APPN Extended Border Node
Remote LAN Access
CPU Utilization- Ethernet and Token Ring Adapters JMA
version 1.40 - 8260 Switching Module Series JMA
20 port 10Base Ethernet
18 port Fast Ethernet
MSS Domain Client UFCMSS Client /Domain Client UFC
8270-600- New or modified MIBs included in the JMA MIB browser
RFC1659 RS232 (obsoletes RFC1317)
RFC2239 MAU (obsoletes RFC1515)
agentcmn 8245 and 8275
ibmMSSClient MSS Client mib
ibm-trsu IBM Token Ring Surrogate mib
ibmnetu Network Utility mib
ibm8239 8239 mib
ibm8245 8245 mib
ibm8275 8275 mib
SnmpV3MD Message Processing and Dispatching
SnmpV3Framework The SNMP Management Architecture MIB
SnmpV3USM SNMP User-based Security Model
SnmpViewBasedACM View-based Access Control Model for SNMP
Remote Management
When you use a web browser to access a JMA or other Nways Manager applet inside an HTML page, the browser will, by default, download three Java Archives (JAR files) from the Nways Manager server. The combined size of these files is over 11 MB, so this download will take several seconds on a high-speed local area network. If you are accessing these files through a dial-up connection, this download time may be prohibitively long.
To avoid this long download time over slower connections, perform the following steps:
1. Transfer the JAR files ClientClasses.jar, CommonClasses.jar, and mlsoft.jar from the Nways Manager code directory ("java/websvr/code" directory off of the Nways Manager install directory) to a directory on the target browser workstation.
2. Set the CLASSPATH environment variable on the target browser workstation to reference these three jar files, for example:
The method for setting the environment variable will depend on the operating system of the target browser workstation.
3. Start the web browser and access the web page at:
(where server is the hostname of the Nways Manager server, and nways is the alias you assigned to the Nways Manager document directory).
This web page on the Nways Manager server does not specify any JAR files on its applet tag, so the browser will load the Nways Manager classes from the local workstation hard drive, eliminating the long download of the JAR files. From RemoteSubSys.html, you can then access other Nways Manager pages (through links on the RemoteSubSys.html page, or by typing in the name of the specific page you wish to view). You must access RemoteSubSys.html each time you start the web browser in order to load the JAR files from the local workstation hard drive.
Note: This method of loading JAR files locally does not work with the HotJava web browser.
ATMC Enhancements - ATM ESI tracking allows a user to track uni and multi-cast connections from one end point to another on Switch Virtual Connections.
- A new 8270 3 slot blade is now available for the 8260/65. This module supports UFC inserts for various functions, one of which is the MSS client.
- Support for 8270-600 with UFC for FE router with ATM port.
- Allowing the deletion of SVC's is a questionable function as it could leave a network in an unusable state. The user is now asked to confirm the operation.
- Disabled BCM configuration was possible with a BUS that was down.
- Improved description in the PNNI Node Configuration panel of how summary addresses are used, and what they are
- Tivoli NetAccess integration for 8260/8265.
IHMP Enhancements- 8260 Switching Module Series
- 20 port 10Base Ethernet DMM 5.2
- 18 port Fast Ethernet DMM 5.2 LNM Enhancements- Media management for the 8239
Certifications- Foundation Level Tivoli Certification
- AIX Ready
Customer Problems Resolved- Display the relevant interface when a LinkUp/Down trap received for a 2210
- 2210 JMA unable to launch configuration tool
- 2210 JMA shows incorrect status of ISDN port
- ATMC Faultbuster would not open any of its command-line utilities such as telnet, MIB browser, or the customization file.
- Correctly display ELAN domains for MSS Version 1.1 and later.
- Performance improvements in ATMC/ELAN were added to the VLAN Domain View panel for large numbers of MAC addresses associated with virtual domain ports. This view has also been changed so that the VLAN Static View section only display those ELAN's which are administered by the selected domain. To view the entire list of ELAN's you need only deselect the domain name.
- ATMC SVC tracking end systems ESI problem has been fixed.
- IHMP display of module gif for the 100Base-TX and 100Base-FX modules when one of the ports was configured as redundant.
- Correct display of connectors for 8281 bridge module port number labels in HubView of IHMP
- Correct CPSW status color problem with unconfigured ports.
- Core dump in lnmtopod during the CLAM segment merge that is invoked by lnmtrmon at the end of the resync segment cycle.
- Enable Rmon coupling for IBM 8270s
- Additional BCM counters for displaying statistics in LAN Emulation(ATMC)
- Disable ability to configure the BUS when it is down in LAN Emulation(ATMC)
- Database Maintenance program for JPM
LimitationsYou have to configure TN3270e clients using SNMP and since there is no SNMP persistence on the device, users will have to reconfigure the clients every time the device is rebooted.
TN3270e management is restricted to the 2210, 2216 and Network Utility devices. It is not
included under generic.
For the 2210 and 2216, Version 3 Release 1 PTF 1 is required.
- Netscape on AIX will not work as a remote browser client
This information is provided "as is" to help you use IBM products. No warranty of any kind is implied or should be inferred.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 1998. All rights reserved.
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