> Does anyone have experience or information in creating MIB Expressions? I
> am wanting to create
> some custom MIB expressions in Netview and have found very limited
> information regarding how to create
> them? Any information would be appreciated.
It uses a post-fix notation, first the operands and last the operator. Here is
an example:
LANIf%Util \
"% interface utilization from \
((ifInOctets + ifOutOctets) * 8 * 100) / ifSpeed" \
. \
. + \
8 * 100 * \
. /
the '\' means that the expression continues in the next line. As you can see
the format is:
ExpresionName "Description" Operations
being Operation some like: 6 7 * (eq. 6*7) or MIBVariable 9 * 100 / (eq.
MIBVariable * 9 / 100).
Be careful when using MIBVariables, you must put a '.' at the end:
Hope this helps.
Jose Luis
> Regards
> Dave Kretzmer (dkretzme@aholdusa.com)
> Ahold Information Services