When a subject has been discussed at length recently, sometimes no one
feels like
answering it again. That's a good time to check the archives with the
SEARCH command.
Here is a reminder on how to do that:
Send an email to LISTERV@ucsbvm.ucsb.edu with this command in the body of
note (not the subject):
SEARCH trap & Cisco & format IN NV-L FROM TODAY-100
You will get back a list of postings along with their subject lines and
an abstract. You can then retrieve likely ones by posting number. The
example above will find entries with the words 'trap' and 'Cisco' and
'format' within the last 100 days. When there are several with the same
subject line, you might choose the largest one to get the most discussion
in one note.
Some of us don't need to do this very often, because we save every hint
that we could ever possibly need....;)
Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking