Chad -
You can easily add these traps through the GUI. Then NetView won't be
surprised when they arrive and give you the big "No FMT Found" message
wrapped around these traps. But you will still get them even if you do
nothing to NetView. The whole point of formatting them is to improve the
way they look and allow trapd to deal with them more quickly.
Take a look at the Administrator's Guide on "Configuring Events" (5-63 in
the hard copy or view it on-line). You can bring up
the Event Configuration dialog from the GUI (Options --> Event
Configuration -> Trap Customization SNMP or just by typing in xnmtrap on
the command line. If the 3-Com enterprise is not present, you can just add
it (click the button). Then you can add the specific traps the same way.
Warm Start, Cold Start, Link Up and Link Down, are all standard SNMP types,
so all you have to do is click the Generic Type box (which defaults to
"Enterprise Specific") and select the one you want.
Pick anything you want for a log message of just type in $* to see
everything 3Com sends you and you can modify it again later with just what
you want to see.
The trick to this is not in formatting the traps. The trick is in
configuring your 3Com box(es) to send them to you. You have done that, I
take it.
James Shanks
Tivoli (NetView for UNIX) L3 Support
Chad Schreiber <schreic@OKSTATE.EDU> on 03/24/99 03:45:04 PM
Please respond to Discussion of IBM NetView and POLYCENTER Manager on
cc: (bcc: James Shanks)
Subject: 3Com ; AIX 4.3.1 ; Netview 5.1
I'm new to Netview, and AIX so here is my question.
I need to install snmp traps for 3Com devises;
The snmp traps I'm concerned about is warmStart and coldStart;
Also on the Corebuilders - I was wondering if there is a way to configure a
trap for a port going up and down.
I was given this information for the Corebuilder: ? Agent Interface Down
(linkDown Trap) enterprise:3Com (
Any Help would be greatly appreciated.