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Re: changing map permissions...

To: nv-l@lists.tivoli.com
Subject: Re: changing map permissions...
From: Leslie Clark <lclark@US.IBM.COM>
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 1999 12:37:51 -0400
Fill in all of the fields. Owner is root. Group is system. Permission is 664 (or
644, if any
of your users are in the system group). Pick the default map off the list. On
the global
question, do this once with yes and once with no. You have to be root to do
this, of
course. The x permission does not come into it, since these are not executable
we are dealing with. I do this at every customer, where the initial requirement
just what you are asking for. The glogal business is to prevent other users from
creating their own maps from the r/o view of the default map.


Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking

Hello All.

I have been trying to change my default map permissions to...

-rwxr-xr-x  root  system  default

from -rw-rw-rw-  root  system  default

...so only root user can open the default map in R/W , all the other users
will get the map in R/O.

I try this using the smitty nv6000 --> configure --> Change Maps
owner/group/mode menu option.

However, it does not seem to work, instead it changes the map permissions on
the other map I have. I specify the default map and the new permissions, but
nothing else in the input fields because that is all I want to change.

Anyone know what I am doing wrong? I have the default map currenly open, do
I need to shut down all the instances of the default map on the Netview
Server before I can do this??

Any help appreciated.


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