Our enviroment consist of: AIX 4.3.2, Tivoli NetView for AIX 5.1.1 and
CiscoWorks V4.0.
We have the following problem: selected a Cisco router from the NetView EUI,
through the Misc nenu launch the: " CW-Sync Selected...." appear a window
with the title:"Sync w/Sysbase Confirm" we click OK and after that another
window appear with the title:"Sync w/Sysbase" for a while and immediatly
dissappear. We have checked that NetView pass correctly the enviroments
The command: /usr/nms/bin/nmsync -h "IP hostname" it works fine from the
command line.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks a lot.
Best Regards,
Fabio Zuffranieri
IBM Global Services-PSS Tivoli Service Unit
Via Sciangai 53-Rome 00144-ITALY