Not sure which version of NetView you're running. On NV 5.1.1, AIX 4.3.2
with the map open read-write mode, open the view of your collection and
select submap-->sort by-->....
-----Original Message-----
From: Scaling, Bill <bill.scaling@EDS.COM>
Date: Monday, November 22, 1999 4:00 PM
Subject: Collections - Sorted List?
>I want a sorted list of devices in a collection (or location). The reason
>am looking at using Collections is that with nvUtil, I can do this from a
>command line and automate the addition of the device to a collection, as
>well as adding the server to the netview database with the loadhosts
>command. The downside is that no matter what order I use on my command
>to add the devices to the collection, they don't get displayed on the
>in any kind of sorted order. Does anyone know a way to accomplish this
>Collections, or by some other means whereby the devices can easily be
>identified on the screen because they are grouped together in sorted order?
>I don't want to have someone dedicated to manually using the Netview GUI to
>move the objects around on the map.
>> Bill Scaling
>> EDS Southern Region Enterprise Support
>> Plano Service Management Center
>> Automation and Tools C/S-Network
>> MS D5-1C-21
>> 5400 Legacy Drive
>> Plano, Texas 75024
>> * phone: 972-796-2955 (8-836)
>> * mailto:
> <<Scaling, Bill.vcf>>