Hallo Leslie,
this nvserverd event is different somehow: first it is not defined in
tradpd.conf, second: it is not defined in the nvserverd.baroc. It seems to me
that it is internally generated and if event forwarding to TEC is enebled, it is
created and send to TEC. So I cannot configure the severity or status.
It is also not a problem of TEC Console configuration, as my console is
configured to display also closed and harmless events.
Any other idea?
Eva-Maria Fettig e-mail: efettig@haitec.de
Haitec AG Tel. +49 89 35631 3393
Alois-Wolfmüller-Str. 8 Fax +49 89 35631 3300
80939 München Mobil +49 172 8592939
Leslie Clark <lclark@US.IBM.COM> am 02.02.2000 17:02:30
Bitte antworten an Discussion of IBM NetView and POLYCENTER Manager on NetView
Kopie: (Blindkopie: Eva-Maria Fettig/HAITEC/DE)
Thema: nvserverd start/end events to tec
I would go to the event configuration function and manipulate the
status that is sent with these events. The CLOSED and HARMLESS
business is set there, in the T/EC slot mapping dialog. Then you don't
have to change the rule on the T/EC server that would effect more events
than just these.
Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking
(248) 552-4968 Voicemail, Fax, Pager