I am currently running Netview 5.1.2 on Sol 2.6.
I have a TMR on a separate machine running 3.6.2.
I am trying to upgrade to V6.
I manage the Netview end and someone else manages the TMR and FRAMEWORK.
First a little historical background.
At one point I was able to bring up a DESKTOP and install Netview (5.1)
and its patches and use the Netview tools from the desktop. But someone
decided to change things on the TMR and FRAMEWORK end and I lost my
desktop function. They finally got the desktop back by patching up some
(.install) files per TIVOLI support. When V6 came in I tried to
install per release notes (FRAMEWORK PATCH 6.0-NVF-0000) and keep
getting ERROR about missing patch NV_TMP_31 Tivoli support told us that
our TMR and Netview think that a 5.1 Framework patch is missing and to
force install it again. That was done but I still get the same error.
I am now asking the TOPGUNS out there for help.
The PMR is 42884-BRE also associated is PMR 41848
Any ideas?
Thank you,
Jeff Fitzwater
CIT Systems & Networking
Princeton University