Hello World,
Has anyone encountered the above message trying to bring up oserv ? or
odadmin ?
I think I have read most of the previous messages on dispatcher problem in
Netview archive and tried quite a few of the suggestions too.
But when I see the above message and the oservlog file messages. I have
little idea what is going on here.
1. My system is a solaris 2.6 with 440 mhz spart-10 processor.
2. My filesystems seem to have plenty of space on all filesystems.
3. The /etc/services has entry of 94 only for objcall.
4. Netstat -a show the udp objcall port 94 is idle and objcall TCP port 94
is listening. when I reboot processor
it shows TMR server is using 94 etc.
5. I tried odadmin start 1
6. I tried /etc/rc3.d/S99tivoli start
6. I tried oserv -k $DBDIR -N by_addr
Thanks for any direction....