Hi Alexis,
check the date of /usr/OV/snmpCol.conf. If it's quite new someone / some
program may have changed it and the file may be corrupt. Then you should
include your file in the mail so we can check out what's the problem.
If the file change date is older than the last time you started netview I don't
Michael Seibold
>>> alexis.henry@bnpgroup.com 14.04.2000 11.55 Uhr >>>
Hi all,
I used smitty to configure trapd to forward a specific trap and now i can't sart
I have the following message with ovstatus snmpCollect:
error reading configuration file /usr/OV/conf/snmpCol.conf: no such expression
"Trapgend_Diskutil" at /usr/OV/snmpCol.conf:18
but at line 18 in /usr/OV/conf/snmpCol.conf i do have the expression
If i do ls -l on /usr/OV/conf/snmpCol.conf i can see:
-rw-rwSrw bin bin /usr/OV/conf/snmpCol.conf
Any idea of what is going wrong ???
Alexis Henry
Banque Nationale de Paris
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