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Re: NetView on AIX and CW2K on NT Integration...

To: nv-l@lists.tivoli.com
Subject: Re: NetView on AIX and CW2K on NT Integration...
From: Edvyn.Lek@bankofamerica.com
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 09:11:36 -0700
You must have a very small network to run cw2k on NT.  Below is a link for the
integration utility. You need a cco login to access it.


Gord Michaels <gord_michaels@hotmail.com> on 05/16/2000 08:40:28 AM

Please respond to IBM NetView Discussion <nv-l@tkg.com>

To:   nv-l@UCSBVM.ucsb.edu
Subject:  [NV-L] NetView on AIX and CW2K on NT Integration...

Hello All.

Currently, we have NetView V5 for AIX and CiscoWorks2000 for AIX on the same
RS6000 Server. The integration is limited to being able to launch the
CiscoView GUI (for cisco devices) from our NetView map.

We are considering purchasing CiscoWorks for NT. However, if we separate the
two products (i.e. keep NetView for AIX on the RS6000 and place
CiscoWorks2000 on an NT Server, after removing it from the RS6000) will
there still be any integration?? Is there a way to still launch the
CiscoView device GUI from NetView on AIX? Can this be done if CW2K doesn't
physically reside on the same server as NetView??

Any info appreciated.


Gord Michaels.
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