You will have to set Nvevents.loadEnvOnInit to True as for
Moreover you need to select Save Environnement in the option menu of your main
Alexis Henry
Tivoli Engeener
Banque Nationale de Paris on 22/06/2000 08:33:20
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Objet : Re: [NV-L] filter in event
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_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sontaya
If you are referring to the Rule Name on the Events display, this can be stored
in the nvevents.correlationRule entry in the /usr/OV/app-defaults/Nvevents file.
Cheers - Gavin
>>> "Sontaya" <> 22/06/2000 14:02:41 >>>
Hi all,
I used NetView 5.1 for AIX. I'd link to filter some event in the event viewer
Now, I create the filtering rule and apply it to the event window under the
Control desk that it can filter the new event after I apply.
But if I stop and re-run the NetView, I have to apply that rule again. How can I
set it to default? I mean every time I run NetView the filter is apply to the
event window.
Best Regards,
Sontaya ^_^
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