I'm aware of two methods, others may know of more. The first is TMNC, Tivoli
Manager for Network Connectivity. This is the SMARTS IP Fault Mgr event
correlator product. It suppresses events from downstream devices as well as
producing root cause analysis. It's an add-on module.
In 6.0.1, TMNC has been replaced with Router Fault isolation which does the
event suppression you want. The affected subnet(s) are displayed as
unreachable (white color).
Steve Elliott
Sr. Network Mgmt. Engineer
epicRealm, Inc.
-----Original Message-----
From: Chance, Larry [mailto:lchance@SFBCIC.COM]
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2000 7:57 AM
To: 'Netview Users'
Subject: [NV-L] Exception reporting
Isn't there a way to control notification of events when
a primary circuit goes down? That is, rather than having
notification of ALL downstream devices failing, only that single
point of failure is passed to Netview?
I'm using Netview for NT version 6.0.