How did you verify that the objects were no longer there? Perhaps it is
still in the database. Try doing a ovtopofix -U to force ipmap to display
all the objects.
-----Original Message-----
From: Leigh Warren []
Sent: Thursday, 14 December 2000 8:01
To: IBM NetView Discussion
Subject: [NV-L] IPMap - option disappears
Importance: High
Morning all,
I hope someone can help.....
NetView (5.1) was working fine (AIX 4.3) until I noticed that several
devices (hubs, servers etc) were missing on a couple of sites about a week
ago. I went to locate them - not there, so went to add them but when I
went "edit - add object" under "Object Attributes:" IPMap was not available
which was concerning.
I did an ovstatus and all daemons appeared to be running, I checked the
network and was able to get to the DNS server. I then did the following...
ovstop netmon, ovmapcount -a, ovtopofix -A, ovstop ovtopmd, ovtopofix -Cv,
ovwdbdmap -c, ovstart -vd | pg, ovw -config, ovw -fields and ovw -verify.
The server after finishing 'synchronising' was then shutdown and restarted.
IPMap was then available again and then subsequently I checked the rest of
my sites. I found 43 sites that appeared to either have objects (as
above) missing or the complete site was missing and not just hidden.
Suffice to say, I'm about 30 sites into fixing this and IPMap as an option
has disappeared again. I have repeated the above again but this time
IPMap has not reappeared under "Object Attributes:" Again the network
appears fine and all daemons appear to be running.
If anyone can suggest anything I would appreciate it, as if theses sites
aren't correct I cannot guarentee paging for our support people.
Failing this I will have to log a support call (thought I would try here
The greatest moments of sheer brilliance usually occur in the presence of
absolute stupidity