Dear colleagues;
We are at present in the process of applying Tivoli NetView to our
present network surveillance which is running under a static routing system.
Due to our configuration of a 2 stepped ISDN-Backup, for which 2 routers
each are defined for the same IP-Address the corresponding interfaces
are set to ?down?.
Since these interfaces, under normal circumstances, would be deactivated, res.,
under backup conditions only one may be active, there can be no IP-Address
conflict when operating normally.
NetView recognizes with every Configuration-Poll, the corresponding
ISDN-Interfaces with the same IP-Address on different routers, which results
in an ?Interface xx deleted? for Router A, followed by an ?Interface xx added?
for Router B.
Our problem is that the ?discovered? Interfaces, which after being recognized
as having a ?down? status, appear under the corresponding Router in NetView,
are flagged with an error status of ?marginal?.
For us, at the moment, there isn?t any possibility to identify the condition of
Router in NetView.
We would be grateful if there were anyone who could help to solve our problem.
A WorkAround which would prevent the new ?discovery? of this Interface, res.,
the Interfaces ?discovered? are recognized as unmanaged, would be certainly of
service to us.
Thanking you in advance,
Klaus Wich
Sparda Datenverarbeitung eG