On one of my 5.1.3 server the Netview web server does not start
automatically and when I attempt to start it using /usr/OV/bin/nvwebstart I
get the following message:
httpd: cannot determine local host name. Use ServerName to set it
The server name is in DNS (nslookup finds the server in DNS by hostname as
well as reverse lookup by IP address), as well as in /etc/hosts.
Also, can someone tell me what the nvwebd process is and how it might be
exploited? I see that normally the web server starts only when someone
starts the GUI (at least once....or am I incorrect and web server starts
automatically when /etc/netnmrc is run?). Does registering nvwebd with
ovaddobj allow the web server to start automatically with a server restart
or reboot?
Bill Volckmann
IBM Global Services