- Check the nvUtil command to list smartsets / smartset members
- Sorry, no other idea than changing each entry in the snmp configuration
for the node down delete interval
( 7days, may be hard-coded ? - someone will correct me if I am wrong ...)
Regards - Helmut Schroeder
"Alvarez Lavin, Cristina" <> on 19.07.2001
Bitte antworten an IBM NetView Discussion <>
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An: "Lista de Netview (E-mail)" <>
Thema: [NV-L] tme10 Netview ( node down delete interval )
Hi list,
I have two questions
-Could anyone tell me about a command to obtain a list of all the machines
in a smartset?
-I need to modify the 'Node down delete interval' parameter for all the
machines in our Netview. I know we can modify it in Options..SNMP
Configuration, but we only have entries for our switches, hubs and routers,
in this SNMP Configuration. I need to modify it for all of our machines. Do
I need to add an entry for each machine? or Is it posible to modify a single
value somewhere for all the machines?
Thanks for any help, Cristina Alvarez.
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