Hi all,
Configuring event forwarding to T/EC I am wondering about two things (NV6.0.2
AIX 4.3.3):
1. In my understanding LOG ONLY events (or don't Log or Display either ) were
just not forwarded to
the pmd process, but to nvcorrd / nvserverd ... so that I would expect them to
be forwarded to T/EC,
but this is not the case ... (tried it) ?
2. To reduce the number of forwarded events I have to do a lot of filtering in
the forwarding-rule.
Would it be better - for performance reasons - to set these events to 'log only'
(if this works) and so
reduce the filtering by rule ... and does it have any impact on other NV
processes if I set netview
router and node up/down-events to 'log only' ?
Thanks in advance