I have no experience with this configuration (all our NetViews are
Unix-based) however might be able to shed some light on:
> More over the IP address of the nodes is
> coming as a big number and not in IP address format(*.*.*.*).
I suspect that you're seeing the 32-bit integer representation of the IP
You can confirm this by converting one back into an IP address.
Convert decimal to hexidecimal.
eg 287454020 (decimal) = 11223344 (hex)
Take each pair of hex digits and convert back to decimal.
11(hex) = 17(decimal)
22(hex) = 34(decimal)
33(hex) = 51(decimal)
44(hex) = 68(decimal)
So if your number was 287454020, it would represent an IP address of
What you do next depends on what you want to do with your data.....