Can you please expand on this one?
With all the talent out here, I am sure we can solve this one!
Thomas Caputo
Kmart Corp.
Integrated Systems Management Technologies
Tivoli Netview/Tivoli Framework
-----Original Message-----
From: Vikas Kumar Gupta []
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 7:41 AM
To: ''
Subject: [NV-L] Tivoli Decesion Support
Has anyone worked on TDS module of Tivoli.After installation I am not able
to get the TDS discovery guides.Can any one help.
thanks in advance
Vikas Gupta
Bangalore Labs Ltd,India
Tel +91-80-8410801-07 extn 139
Fax +91-80-8410808
"Internet Infrastructure Managers"