That sounds suspiciously like a hint to me!
>>> 03/10/2001 22:15:15 >>>
Not in V6.
Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking
Hammons" To: "IBM NetView Discussion"
<s.hammons@ais cc:> Subject: [NV-L] Automatic Map
Generation and
Sent by: location.conf
10/02/01 01:23
Please respond
to IBM NetView
Hello all,
I would like to get some clarification on how the map generation and
location.conf file work together. We have configured the NetView maps
according to customer requirements. We have used both the location.conf
file and cut and paste to move routers and segments to the appropriate
submaps. When automatic map generation is started, the routers return to
the IP top level map (segments remain in the appropriate submaps).
My understanding is this is how NetView works. By the comments in the
location.conf header, networks are placed within the location symbols.
would explain why just routers are showing up in the IP map. NetView
"assumes" this is the container where the routers belong. Other than
turning off the automatic map layout for the top level map, is there a way
to customize NetView so on occasion when the automatic map generation is
started the routers will be in the proper submaps and not show on the top
level IP map?
Scott Hammons, Consultant
Tivoli Certified Consultant
Advanced Integrated Solutions, Inc.
Cellular (210) 378-8229
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