The GUI isn't broken, just very confusing!!!
The field labeled "Variable type value" requires a multiple of 3 arguments.
It is the variable that you want to send with the trap. If none - leave it
example with one variable:
. octetstringascii "We the people"
You can pass as many variables as you like in this "triplet" form
Don Davis
-----Original Message-----
From: Ingleson Peter []
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 9:00 AM
To: 'IBM NetView Discussion'
Subject: RE: [NV-L] snmptrap
Thanks for that, but I'm still trying to make the intellectual leap.
I've taken your advice and given up on the GUI version.
I'm now issuing the following command
snmptrap hostname . source_name 6 1 0
I then want to add three variable values, after the 0 for time ticks, how
could I do this, the values (for example) are 15 400 2.
Peter Ingleson
-----Original Message-----
From: Jane Curry []
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 1:09 PM
To: IBM NetView Discussion
Subject: Re: [NV-L] snmptrap
I have a feeling that the snmptrap command from the ServerSetup Diagnose
menu is broken (I believe it loses a parameter somewhere). I always use
the command line via a little harness shellscript that is
variable-driven. I have appended a sample - it's probably more complex
than you need but I hope you can get the sense out of it.
# Send trap using the snmptrap supplied with NetView in /usr/OV/bin
# Trap here is NetView change status trap
# Source should be passed as $1 - fully qualified domain name
# Construct trap message from DM Environment vars
# $MONITOR passed as $2
# $PROBE_ARG passed as $3
# $EFFECTIVE_VALUE passed as $4
#set -x
MESSAGE="Monitor $2 with parameters $3 thresholded at $4"
$TRAPVAR Integer 14 \
$TRAPVAR OctetString "$MESSAGE Object status is" \
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