Use smitty CML. There is an entry there to de-install the software.
Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking
Judy Stobby
<jstobby@co.el-dor To: ""
<>> cc:
Sent by: Subject: [NV-L] Nways
10/31/01 12:36 PM
Please respond to
IBM NetView
I have upgraded the server to 7.1 and AIX 4.3.3 ml 9, converted to
ethernet from token ring. As I am working through the problems with
the upgrade to 7.1, support told me that nways would not migrate.
Support had me remove NwaysTrp.lrf and NwaysJMA.lrf out of the
usr/OV/conf/lrf directory. He also had me remove these entries in the
ovsuf file, including the cmld entry so they would not start. In
looking in the ovsuf file, ahmdbserver is dependent on the cmld
starting. The ahmdbserver daemon does not start, along with a couple of
others, webserver, ahmclp & snmpserver, which I will also be working
When Netview comes up, the nways logo appears. Our nways equipment will
be gone within the year as we migrate from token ring to ethernet. I
did not initially install nways and I'm searching for what is the best
way to uninstall nways with the above removal already taken place?
Thanks in advance for your time.
#### jstobby.vcf has been removed from this note on October 31 2001 by
Leslie Clark