Resend of "Question regarding prg_samples/ovw_examples/app7/seven.c", it did
not seem to get through the first send.
The goal of example app7 is "This is a sample map application that discovers
the nfs clients served by a system". My question is regarding OVw internal
"destroying" of symbols and submaps created via this application.
-- snip
if ((submapId = OVwCreateSubmap (map, compObjInfo->object_id,
ovwNoSubmapType, submapname,
ovwStarLayout, 0))
== ovwNullSubmapId) {
-- end snip
-- snip
OVwCreateSymbol (map, submapId, sysObjInfo->object_id,
"Computer:Workstation", host,
center_pos, ovwNoSymbolFlags)
-- end snip
My question(s) is:
- When an operator takes the action to close a map (submap), are the symbols
created by this app (as well as the submap) deleted from the OVw db? If so,
how and when?
- If I want to create a submap and symbols, what are the "best practices"
for cleanup? The routine for this is OVwDeleteSubmap and OVwDeleteSymbol.
Where do the deletes get hooked in?