"Brian Green" <brian.green@cgi.com> writes:
> I have something happening here that I don't understand.
> Netviev 7.1.1 on AIX 4.3.3
> I have both the Web Console and X11 console open. In the X11 console,
> everything that I care about is green, but in the Web console the same
> devices are appearing as Blue - unknown. I don't know why this is
> happening - has anyone seen this before?
Could be color map issues with two applications contending for
colors. If you're using netscape try invoking it with the --private
switch (may be single hyphen, I'm not sure) to force a private color
Caveat: it's been a while since I've worked with native displays or
worked with web browsers running on the unix host, but when I did,
this sort of color map issue would happen all the time with color
intensive aps. Try opening hte web browser first with the X console
closed, and I wonder if your web console color problems magically
Todd H.