"Dejan Mijailovic" <dejan.mijailovic@inquent.com> writes:
> David.
> They don't need to reset.
> What you see is a TOTAL amount of bits In or Out of Interface.
> What you need is real counter. If you do "snmpget" you will get the BIG
> number, but snmpCollect should
> collect bits (or octets) per second.
> It always does it if the MIB object you collecting is a (COUNTER)
> and in you case, it is. Check your mibExpr.conf file. Don't forget,
> it is a postFix math.
If ever you need to do this magic on something other than a COUNTER,
man mib.coerce
You can coerce integers to be treated as counters. I can't remember
all the details, but I was pleased to find out that snmpcollect could
do this stuff on mibExpr.conf expressions as well as individual
Todd H.