Sorry but you are very confused here. nvserverd does not have the map.
netviewd does. nvserverd is used to distribute events to event windows,
and to forward them to TEC if he is so configured that way.
One way to do what you want is to just ovstop netviewd. Others are given
in the Release Notes.
James Shanks
Level 3 Support for Tivoli NetView for UNIX and NT
Tivoli Software / IBM Software Group
Marcos Antonio
Pezzutti Filho To: "NV-L
<pezzutti@banespa <>> cc:
Subject: [nv-l] Doubts about
process associated with Web
12/19/02 05:13 PM Console
Hi list,
Netview 7.1.2 AIX 4.3.3 ML-10
I have a doubt about how to configure Netview to be possible to use both
console types (web and not-web).
We know that it´s necessary to have a read-write map opened to use the web
console, and there is two ways to get this:
1) with a normal console openned (ovw process);
2) through nvserverd process;
Here, we only have got to configure the web console though nvserverd. Then
our problem is to open a read-write map by non-web console, because this
read-write map is already opened by nvserverd.
Our questions:
Is it possible to work with web console without using nvserverd, in this
version ?
If yes, how come ?
If not, how to open a read-write console by ovw, calling netview script ?
Thanks in advance
Marcos Antonio Pezzutti Filho
É Fone: 3837-1339 Ê Fax: 3837-1350
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