NetView 7.1.3 AIX 4.3.3
I am using the MIB2TRAP utility to create a shell script to import traps for
an IBM Tape Library (3584). Originally I had an automatic action as listed
here (see -C):
/usr/OV/bin/addtrap -l ibm3584Trap408 -g 6 -s 408 \
-n ibm3584MIBTraps -i \
-o A -c "Error Events" -t 0 \
-S 1 \
-C "print \" Host \$A - \$*:\" | /usr/OV/alert/" \
-D "Trap for non tape alert 008.
Cause: Test initiated from operator panel.
Required host message:
This is a test SNMP trap." \
-e ibm3584Trap408 \
-F '$E $G $S $# args: $*'
I wanted to remove the automatic action so I deleted the trap in xnmsnmp and
then ran the following (Same but with the -C line removed):
/usr/OV/bin/addtrap -l ibm3584Trap408 -g 6 -s 408 \
-n ibm3584MIBTraps -i \
-o A -c "Error Events" -t 0 \
-S 1 \
-D "Trap for non tape alert 008.
Cause: Test initiated from operator panel.
Required host message:
This is a test SNMP trap." \
-e ibm3584Trap408 \
-F '$E $G $S $# args: $*'
If I open xnmtrap and browse to the trap I can see that the change came in.
However next time the trap comes in it still runs the automatic action. I
looked at /usr/OV/conf/C/trapd.conf and it looks correct. I also ran "event
-e FMTCHG" and still the old format comes in. I restarted the daemons and
still the old format came in. I removed the trap from within xnmtrap and I
get "?" in the trapd.log.
Any ideas?
Scott Bursik