----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 5:12
Subject: Re: [nv-l] Formatting trap
I don't quite see you problem, so perhaps you should explain what you are
trying to ultimately do, and whether this is on Windows or UNIX.
what you put in bold actually part of the trap as shown in trapd.log?
so, then varbind 5 contains all that information, so simply formatting the
message as $5 should display it as that same string.
But there is no
way to get trapd to do more with it the variable than just that. The data type
is "octet string" and that's all that trapd will do with it, display the
string. There is no mechanism to substring the varbind and display just part
of it in the log or the events window.
Of course, if what you
ultimately want to do is send parts of the staring in an pager alert, or
e-mail message, then you would be using a ruleset or command for automatic
action, and those offer the possibility of extracting the sub-elements of the
string for further processing.
James Shanks
Level 3 Support for
Tivoli NetView for UNIX and Windows
Tivoli Software / IBM Software
Demis Gonçalves
Demis Gonçalves
Sent by:
12/29/2004 01:44 PM
Hi people, i have a Norton Server sending traps to my Netview
server. I´m trying to format the trap message but i have found some
limitations! The information that i need to format my message is the bold in
the trap below, but on netview i only can format the traps 1 - 7. How do i do
to use the information inside de trap 5?
[1] private.enterprises.343. (OctetString):
[2] private.enterprises.343. (Integer):
[3] private.enterprises.343. (Integer): 0
private.enterprises.343. (OctetString): Intel Alert Management
System II
[5] private.enterprises.343. (OctetString): Alert:
Virus Found
Computer: DERATSPO044C
Time: 16:26:41
Severity: Critical
Source: Norton AntiVirus
Corporate Edition
Virus: Trojan.ByteVerify
Actual Action: Leave
[6] private.enterprises.343.
(Integer): 16
[7] private.enterprises.343. (Integer):
Sr. Support Analyst
NetControl Network Management
São Paulo
- Brazil
Mobile: 55 11