I am interested in getting availability data - simple node/interface -
how long has an element been down. There is obviously no MIB variable
that will give you this.
On way is to process trapd.log looking for Node / Interface Up/Down
events and I'm sure some people have done this (anyone willing to
contribute such a script to the NetView Tivoli User Group website????).
However, if you set the environment variable NMAVAILABILITY=True then
you get daily files created in /usr/OV/databases with names in the form
availData_yyyymmdd. These files were originally then fed into Tivoli
Decision Support and now are destined for Data Warehouse. I don't need
all the functionality of these performance reporting programs - I just
want to make sense of the availability files.
Looking at the files, there seem to be 3 fields such as:
167772351 -1 1107083385
167772351 1 1107083647
The last field is time since the epoch. The 1 / -1 seems to represent
up/down, but how do I code the first field which obviously refers to the
node / interface in question??? I have a suspicion that the first digit
is 1 for a node and 2 for an interface - other than that, I have to
assume that there is some sort of translation from the NetView object id
to the rest of that first entry. I've never seen this file documented
anywhere (but maybe I've just failed to find it?). Anyone know how to
decode this?? It seems a shame to write my own trapd.log processing
script when NetView obviously already has a good mechanism to generate
availability data files.
Tivoli Certified Consultant & Instructor
Skills 1st Limited, 2 Cedar Chase, Taplow, Bucks, SL6 0EU, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1628 782565
Copyright (c) 2005 Jane Curry <jane.curry@skills-1st.co.uk>. All rights