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Re: [nv-l] Display created objects with the API

To: nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com
Subject: Re: [nv-l] Display created objects with the API
From: Fernando Mari <fernando.mari@edev-cpl.fr>
Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2005 10:47:35 +0100
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Thank you for you answer but the execution is still doing the same!

The error in the code is because I put here together the code of two functions and the parameter name is
different from the variable name.

After the call to the function OVwCreateSymbol I have the next code:
if (OVwIsIdNull(symid))
printf("monitor_ackCB - OVwCreateSymbol failed: %s\n", OVwErrorMsg(OVwError()));
   } // end OVwIsIdNull
printf("Identifiant du symbol cree :<%d>\n",symid); }
But none of the prints is showed!!! may be the problem is in the 
compilation I use:
bcc32  -c -WC synchrars.c
ilink32 c0x32 synchrars.obj,synchrars,,libovw2 libov2 import32 cw32,,

and I receive some warnings

Warning W8065 synchrars.c 105: Call to function 'OVwCreateSymbol' with no prototype in function create_symbol Warning W8065 synchrars.c 108: Call to function 'OVwError' with no prototype in function create_symbol Warning W8065 synchrars.c 108: Call to function 'OVwErrorMsg' with no prototype in function create_symbol Warning W8065 synchrars.c 121: Call to function 'OVwFreeMapInfo' with no prototype in function create_symbol
any comments are welcomed!


Allison, Jason (JALLISON) a écrit :

Like this:

**obj_id** = OVwDbCreateObjectByHostname("");
map = OVwGetMapInfo();
symid = OVwCreateSymbol( map, map->root_submap_id, **object_id**, ovwSWorkstationComputer, "test", ovwUnknownStatus,ovwSymbolStatusSource,
NULL, ovwNoSymbolFlags );


How is your code compiling?
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com [mailto:owner-nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com]
On Behalf Of Allison, Jason (JALLISON)
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 12:53 PM
To: nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com
Subject: RE: [nv-l] Display created objects with the API

The code below creates a symbol to an already created object.  I don't
know what the issue with your code is, the only glaring difference would
be that you need to use some of your created object properties in the
creation of your symbol.  Also, you may want to add some error checking
so that you can see exactly what your error is.

Good luck,

             // Create a new Symbol for this object on the Ack Map
             new_symbol_id =

             if (OVwIsIdNull(new_symbol_id)) {
               printf("monitor_ackCB - OVwCreateSymbol failed: %s\n",
             } // end OVwIsIdNull

Jason Allison
Principal Engineer
ARINC Incorporated

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com [mailto:owner-nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com]
On Behalf Of Fernando Mari
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 12:46 PM
To: nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com
Subject: [nv-l] Display created objects with the API


I use Netview 7.1.3 Windows 2000 server

I use the following code to create an object and it symbol, but when I open the netview
console is not displayed! any clue?

obj_id = OVwDbCreateObjectByHostname("");
map = OVwGetMapInfo();
symid = OVwCreateSymbol( map, map->root_submap_id, object_id, ovwSWorkstationComputer, "test", ovwUnknownStatus,ovwSymbolStatusSource,
NULL, ovwNoSymbolFlags );   



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