Hello All,
we need to move our netview application (aix 5.2 with netview 7.1.3 fixpack
1) to another server (the old server will be removed) and i need to validate
the procedure i will doing :
Both server are in the same subnet.
1- Close netview
2- Do a entire nvbackup of /usr/OV and also of the file /etc/snmpd.conf
3- Restore the backup to the new server
4- Do a reset_ci
5- Modify the "wlookup -ar NetViewServer" data (i don't know how) and also
the /usr/OV/conf/NetViewServerOID file (of the restored server)
Now, what happen to the old Netview :
a- if i do a wlsinst -ah the old netview should be there, do i only need to
do a "wrmnode" to delete it from Tivoli database ?
b- If the restored netview to the new server work, do i need that netview be
registed in the wlsinst command or it is not madatory ?
Dominic D'Apice
* D.D'Apice@saq.qc.ca