Adding, the change recommended by FP03 (Readme)
is only for access database not for SQL. So we can hope there is no change
would be required in SQL as such.
Welcome others suggestion as well
From: [] On Behalf Of Praveen Kumar
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006
12:37 PM
Subject: RE: [nv-l] Netview 7.1.4
with SQL on Windows upgrade
Hi ,
I think the database change is recommended
for fix pack 3, nowhere it is specified in fix pack 4.
From: [] On Behalf Of Anvaj Aliyarukutty
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006
10:45 AM
Subject: [nv-l] Netview 7.1.4 with
SQL on Windows upgrade
Using Netview 7.1.4 on Windows 2000 Advanced
server with SQL. I have my NetView database on SQL database.
If I upgrade to NetView 7.1.4 FP4 straight
away, will my SQL database also get updated to incorporate the changes or it
requires some updation separately. (If we don’t use the SQL database, we
need to change the snmpcollect, tess, toposql database with the new one comes
with Fixpack.)
Best regards,