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[NV-L] netview 7.1.4 fixpack 2 on aix : manage - unmanage problem

To: <nv-l@lists.ca.ibm.com>
Subject: [NV-L] netview 7.1.4 fixpack 2 on aix : manage - unmanage problem
From: "D'Apice, Domenico" <D.D'Apice@saq.qc.ca>
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2006 10:55:22 -0500
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Thread-topic: netview 7.1.4 fixpack 2 on aix : manage - unmanage problem




Hello all,


I need some advice about the following netview behavior :


When we put a netview object unmanage for a couples a days and after that we put this object manage (always via the java console or exceed). The object became in “unknown state” (blue icon).


WHY ? How to correct this behavior ?


If not, is there a way to “re-force” the discovery for this object only ?





Dominic D'Apice







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