There are references in the NetView release notes that NetView supports HSRP
interfaces and netmon discovers them and recognizes them as HSRP interfaces.
Supposely, an ovtopodump will contain these interfaces and indicate they are
HSRP interfaces. Also, supposely NetView generates IBM_NVHSRPADD and
IBM_NVHSRPDEL when an HSRP interfaces are added or deleted from the routers.
This doesn't seem like it is exactly happening for our case. First, a
ovtopodump shows no knowledge of these HSPR interfaces. What is happening is
every ten minutes or so we see "IP address added" events and then "IP Addess
deleted events" for these HSRP IP addresses in the event window.
Anyone know what we need to do to get NetView to recognize HRSP Interfaces
correctly ?
Anyone know why we are getting these ADD/DELETE occurring over and over again
about every ten minutes and how to stop them from occurring ?
Besides replying to NV-L, can you also email me directly with your reply.