>-- [ From: Vynita Pretorius * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --
>Hi all
>I have read somewhere that under version 4.1 Netview/AIX & AIX 4.1.5 that if
>an individual logs
>on they don't go through AIX but straight to Netview MAP, On that Netview
>only items that you want the individual to have will be available.
>My User must not be able to see my whole net work just his specific routers.
>He must not be able to change anything just view, and also no be able to get
>into an AIX / Unix shell. If he exits File -> Exit he quits out the machine.
>Can I do this and on what versions of software ?
>how do I do it and is their a redbook that I can refer to?.
>Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
>Vynita P
You should be able to do this. First, you will have to define what options you
want the user to have in Netview Security. Access the configuration by running
nvsec_admin. Then, you will create a map with only the devices that he needs
access to. Then, you will need to make a startup script that logs him into
netview, with his map, with read only status, loading it into the background,
and then exiting the shell. You will have to make sure you disable his access
to commands that access a shell.
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