Neal Wallace {DNSAKL} wrote:
I have created a custom map for our nodes, but Netview
'discovers' nodes
which are not on the root IP Internet submap and places them into the
New Objects region, waiting for placement (I have turned off automatic
layout so that all of these 'new' nodes can be deleted much quicker).
The problem is that they are already within my custom map, on a lower
submap. How then do I tell Netview to stop trying to place these nodes
onto my map?
In Polling Options, I have deselected 'Poll to Discover New Nodes',
so I
would have hoped that Netview would not try to place these nodes
anywhere (I must reiterate that these nodes have already been discovered
and are placed on a submap - there are no other maps or snapshots).
I am using Netview 5.0A on NT.
Does anyone have any ideas please?
Neal Wallace
Network Consultant
Datacom Network Services
PO Box 6041
160 Grafton Road
Phone +64 9 356 4080
Fax +64 9 303 0317
Hi Neal,
I have had a similar problem recently. You pobably have too many levels
of lcations in your map - that's the real problem. NetView is able to handle
4 to five levels but nothing more, this means after cutting and pasting
an object to the desired location NetView looses the database contact to
this Object.
The problem that follows is the one you described - you get the New
Object Holding Area fulll of new objects!
You can check how many levels you have already got:
Open one of your maps and select "Open Submap" this will last a long
time and finally you will see the number for the level and the name of
your devices!
To solve the problem:
Create a new map, and don't do too many levels of locations! This means
you have to start again from scratch!
You do not have to empty the databases - you just have to create a new
Hope this helps a wee bit
Best Regards
Peter Hadamovsky debis Systemhaus GmbH TKS/PB
Erich-Herion-Str. 13 70736 Fellbach phone: +49 711 1749501
fax: +49 711 1749663