If you have two machines, and the first is a trap target, but the second
isn't, you can forward events to the second machine so operators there can
see everything that is happening. That second machine can also be behind a
firewall, or a development machine (or both). If you want to migrate from
one machine to another, but can't change all the trap targets in your
network all at once, you can do this. There must be other good reasons.
I've used it once or twice.
Steve Houle
Enterprise Management
Salomon Smith Barney
ph: (212) 723-3369
-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Long [mailto:simon@nettrack.com.au]
Sent: Friday, September 18, 1998 9:06 AM
Subject: Forwarding traps/events
In configuring trapd there is the option to forward traps as events.
Why would you do this?
Simon Long
Nettrack Technical Solutions Pty Ltd