Netview does the job for you. Just have a look to the
"OVwDbListObjectsByFieldValues" function.
Attached is a sample of code using it ...
Luc Barnouin
Airsys ATM - France
>Does anyone have an example of code of how to loop through the entire NV
>database in order to set a specific field? I have code that sets a field
>for a specific NV Selection name, but now I want to cycle through the entire
>NV database looking for any selection names that have a particular value for
>this specific field and then change it accordingly. I am not sure on how I
>design the looping part of the code. Thanks in advance,
>Joe Prokott - West Group
>Network Architect
>610 Opperman Drive
>St. Paul, MN 55123
>Phone: 651-687-4536
>Fax: 651-687-6946
void dbas_reset_vertices_status ()
OVwObjectIdList *object_list;
OVwFieldBindList list_of_fields;
OVwObjectId object_id;
U_Int index;
PChar vertex_name;
nvotStatusType vertex_status = STATUS_UNKNOWN;
/* point to the first field binding item */
list_of_fields.fields = &field_binding[FIRST_FIELD];
list_of_fields.count = FIELD_NB;
object_list = OVwDbListObjectsByFieldValues (&list_of_fields);
if (object_list == NULL)
error_raised = ERR_DTB_NO_VERTEX;
error_handler ("dbas_reset_vertices_status",__FILE__,__LINE__,
"%s",OVwErrorMsg(OVwError( )));
if (object_list->count == 0)
error_raised = ERR_DTB_NO_VERTEX;
error_handler ("dbas_reset_vertices_status",__FILE__,__LINE__,
"No object is Vertex and isE2000 on TRUE at the same time");
/* for each object in the list */
for (index = 0 ; index < object_list->count ; index++)
/* Get it selection name */
object_id = object_list->object_ids[index];
vertex_name = OVwDbObjectIdToSelectionName(object_id);
if (vertex_name == NULL)
error_handler ("dbas_reset_vertices_status",__FILE__,__LINE__,
"object_id=%d, error=%s", object_id, OVwErrorMsg(OVwError( )));
/* reset vertex status to "unknown" */
change_vertex_status (vertex_name,vertex_status);
/* free the string memory allocated for vertex_name */
serv_free (vertex_name);
/* Free the object id list */
OVwDbFreeObjectIdList (object_list);