In the absense of other responses, would it help if I mentioned that
I have NEVER seen that message before? Certainly nothing like it
in a pop-up. Suggestions:
1) Any other products on the box that might be issuing it?
2) What do you have set at a 30 minute cycle? Polling, data collection, etc.
3) How is your name resolution?
4) Anything in the event log or nettl log at the same time?
(netfmt -F -f /usr/OV/log/nettl.LOGxx where xx is 00 or 01)
5) Is Netview sure of its own identity (/usr/OV/service/reset_ci to be sure)
6) Do you have a ruleset running that might act on traps that come
in on a regular basis?
6) Call Support.....
>>Dear all,
>> I got the NetView error "unable to resolve name to locate object ID;
>>success" every 30min, which if I click OK the error windows is close. I
>don't know what happen and how can I do?
Leslie Clark
IBM Global Services - Network & Systems Management - Detroit
(248) 552-4968 TL/896-4968