---------------------- Forwarded by Mark Sklenarik/Tivoli Systems on
12/04/98 12:45 PM ---------------------------
William Mason
12/04/98 10:27 AM
To: NetView-Field-Spec
cc: wmason@tivoli.com
Subject: NetView Info Flash - NetView NT and MultiProcessors
NetView Info Flash
******* Abstract:
Tivoli NetView support for NT on Multi-processor. Microsoft Access ODBC
drivers have previously prevented us supporting NetView on Multi-processors
when using the default Jet Engine Database.
Solution: Microsoft released a package called Microsoft Data Access
******* Value to Sales Force and the Customer:
This Info Flash is good news for those who've had to deal with customer
ODBC problems with NetView for NT. These new drivers are packaged by
so they should fix inconsistent existing ODBC environments, and they fix
the problems running Tivoli NetView V5.1 for NT on a Multiprocessor.
******* Brief:
Customers can get the free kit (Intel and Alpha) directly from Microsoft at
http://www.microsoft.com/data. Download the file mdac_typ.exe from the
ODBC page.
It also contains the new SQL Server ODBC driver, but beware, you need to
run a script to update SQL Server's Stored Procedures before NetView can
run. This is explained below. There is no reason that I can think of to
recommend this to SQL Server customers at this point.
Updating ODBC Components
The NetView installation by default installs ODBC v3.0 unless a later
version is detected. Under the following circumstances you need to
install a later version:
- Using Access (Jet Engine) database on a Multi-processor
- Frequent ODBC errors in the NetView log file indicating a
mismatch with ODBC dlls
- Long term heavy use of trapd and snmpcollect using Access (Jet
Install the later version of the ODBC Components
1. Stop all applications using ODBC database access, including the
NetView Service and applications
2. Run the self-extracting file mdac_typ.exe
3. Select the Complete Installation option
4. Remote access to Data Sources is not required for NetView
5. Reboot, and restart NetView.
Important note if you are using SQL Server
6. The new SQL Server driver is compatable with SQL Server V6.5, but
you must update the system stored procedures before running SQL Server
applications including NetView. Read the document
and follow the instructions.
******* Summary:
Many customers using Tivoli NetView on a computer with multiple
processors need to be aware that the problems they are having
are not a defect within the NetView product, but rather with
the Microsoft database Jet Engine that NetView uses as a default.
This simple fix detailed above should get customers operating without
any problems. Please contact all your customers who use Tivoli
NetView on Microsoft NT and make them aware of this problem.
******* Other Info: URL's or links to other related info.
******* Associative Web Pages: URL's or links to related Web Sites.
Will Mason
NetView Product Evangelist