Your problem with Nways, specifically Hub Manager (iubd manages:
8250/60/65) is that
the hostnames are originally retrieved from NetView's object database
and subsequently
written to Nways ObjectStore database. Hub Manager uses the information
from ObjectStore.
Nways does not scan NetView's database for name changes, only new Nways
manageable nodes.
You will have to use SMIT to clear the LAN database.
smitty cml followed by:
Select: Maintain --> LAN maintenance --> Clear IBM LAN database
This will also stop the iubd daemon and the cmld daemon . These will
to be restarted when the clear database command completes.
Restart with:
1. ovstart cmld
2. /usr/CML/bin/cmlstart iubd
Your nodes will be rediscovered by iubd with their new names.
Happy Holidays,
Don Davis - Consultant, Instructor
Alliance of Professionals & Consultants, Inc.
8600 Caswell Court
Raleigh, NC 27613-1100 USA Phone: 919-847-6056
Pager: 800-759-8888 PIN# 1462396
Email: Don@apc-services.com
Visit our web site at http://www.apc-services.com