>I'm going to implement Netview for Unix on HCMP and I´d like to known
>somebody had already implented
>thank in advance.
i'd rather consider netview backup mechanism, but if it's goig to be HACMP,
take a look at the release-notes from nv5.1:
A.3 High Availability Cluster Multi-Processing Servers on AIX
TME10 NetView can be used with High Availability Cluster
Multi-Processing (HACMP) servers with the following recommendations:
o Put /usr/OV on the fail-safe filesystem.
o Have both IP and MAC address takeover.
o Install TME10 NetView on both machines with the hostname set to the
one corresponding to the shared IP address.
Even though /usr/OV will be overwritten, this is necessary for the
surrounding links and modifications to the non-shared system
files/directories to occur. Since /usr/OV is shared, a backup of
/usr/OV should be made prior to deinstalling so that it can be
restored for the deinstallation of the other machine to occur without
a problem.
Use the startup/shutdown scripts shown below:
o Install TME10 NetView on both machines with the hostname set to the
one corresponding to the shared IP address.
Even though /usr/OV will be overwritten, this is necessary for the
surrounding links and modifications to the non-shared system
files/directories to occur. Since /usr/OV is shared, a backup of
/usr/OV should be made prior to deinstalling so that it can be
restored for the deinstallation of the other machine to occur without
a problem.
Use the startup/shutdown scripts shown below:
start_netview script:
# Mount shared directory
mount /usr/OV
# Source in Tivoli info for appropriate Library paths
. /etc/Tivoli/setup_env.sh
# Set hostname to shared IP addresses hostname
hostname hacmp5
# Export subdirectories needed by client
mknfsexp -d `/usr/OV/conf' -t `ro' -r \
`hacmp77.austin.ibm.com' -N
mknfsexp -d `/usr/OV/databases/snmpCollect' -t `ro'\
-r `hacmp77.austin.ibm.com' -N mknfsexp -d
`/usr/OV/databases/openview/mapdb' -t `rw' -r \
`hacmp77.austin.ibm.com' -N mknfsexp -d
`/usr/OV/databases/openview/defmap' -t `rw' -r \
`hacmp77.austin.ibm.com' -N
# Set display and start netview
# Note: If it is to be used as a GUI-less server then
# the DISPLAY doesn't need to be set and /etc/netnmrc
# should be run. However, the web server will not be
# started.
export DISPLAY=:0.0
# End of script
stop_netview script:
# Stop daemons/windows so that the /usr/OV can be unmounted
/usr/OV/bin/nv6000_smit stopall forceall
/usr/OV/bin/nv6000_smit APPLCLEANUP ovw_binary nvauth nvsec_admin
/usr/OV/bin/nettl -stop >/dev/null 2>&1
/usr/OV/bin/ovstop nvsecd >/dev/null 2>&1
# Remove /usr/OV subdirectories from NFS exports list
rmnfsexp -d `/usr/OV/conf' -N
rmnfsexp -d `/usr/OV/databases/snmpCollect' -N
rmnfsexp -d `/usr/OV/databases/openview/mapdb' -N
rmnfsexp -d `/usr/OV/databases/openview/defmap' -N
# Unmount /usr/OV
cd /
umount /usr/OV
# End of script
If client/server is to be used, it is very important to set the Major
Number for the shared volume group to be consistent. There are
details about NFS and HACMP in the HACMP Administrator's Guide.
Also, when configuring the client, you should use the hostname of the
shared IP address for the server.
Mit freundlichen Gruessen - Yours sincerely
Giscard Fuchs
CompuNet Berlin
System Engineering
Mariendorfer Damm 1-3, 12099 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 30 70785-147, Fax: +49 30 70785-130, Mobile: 0172/8212409
Internet: giscard.fuchs @ gecits-eu.com