I am about ready to read the docy and install the latest release of TME
(only the part required for Netview) and Netview on both AIX and Solaris. I
had a lot of trouble with the installation before because of incomplete
documentation and numerous documentation errors. Is there any "addendum" or
update to the installation process for Tivoli Framework 3.6 and netview 5.1?
The date on the framework planning and installation guide is Sept 1998 as is
the date on the release notes. The only docy I have on netview is TME10
Netview v5r1 for Unix dated Sept 1998 (supercedes the ones on the CD). I
have received no other docy on Netview. Is there any new docy on 5.1, or
are the 5.0 manuals still applicable?
I want to erase my previous installation of tme and netview and reinstall
from scratch. Is there an easy way to get completely rid of the old
installation of tme framework and netview?
I want to make sure I have everything this time before I install the latest
version. Sincce it has been out for a while, I am hoping there is an update
on the installation documentation that gives the latest and greatest info.
" Of course the opinions expressed here are my own. "
Connie Logg CAL@SLAC.Stanford.Edu ph: 650-926-2879
Network Management and Performance Analyst
SLAC (MS 97), P.O. Box 4349, Stanford, CA 94309
"Happiness is found along the way, not at the end of the road."