I keep getting the following errors:
Warning: Select failed; error code 9
Warning: Select failed; error code 9
Warning: Select failed; error code 9
Warning: Select failed; error code 9
rm: 0653-609 Cannot remove /usr/CML/conf/ipcServices.x_sta_2:0.0.2335.
The file access permissions do not allow the specified action.
rm: 0653-609 Cannot remove /usr/CML/conf/ipcServices.x_sta_2:0.0.2335.
Leslie Clark <lclark@US.IBM.COM> on 01/25/99 11:10:44
Please respond to Discussion of IBM NetView and POLYCENTER Manager on
NetView <NV-L@UCSBVM.ucsb.edu>
To: NV-L@UCSBVM.ucsb.edu
cc: (bcc: Daniel Casey/Corporate/JBHunt)
Subject: Re: netstation...
Hi, Daniel. I think it says its running because it is already running and
everything is
ok. Good for you for getting it that far! Now you should only need to
export the
DISPLAY variable (export DISPLAY=xx.xx.xx.xx where xx.xx.xx.xx is the IP
of the netstation) and start the map (nv6000). What happens when you do
(and your nways is 1.2.2, right?)
Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking
nv5.1(w/TMF) and nways 1.1.2
A couple of questions...What's best way to setup an "operations"
type end user to look at the maps? This will not be a user that
needs write/change authority, just read-only.
On the netstation that our operations folk use, I am able to connect
to the NV server and login. However I am unable to start the Motif
Window Manger (mwm), it says there is one already running.
Well, it is running because the netstation that our networking group
uses is logged in, they have started mwm as well as nv6000.
So, how can I get this running on the other netstation and what's
the best way to go about setting up our operations people to use
this netstation.
Daniel Casey