To change to labels on the IP Network Symbols you have a choice other than
to restart the map generator. Follow these steps:
1) Highlight each icon you want to change the label on.
2) <right-click> the highlighted icon.
3) EDIT -> MODIFY/DESCRIBE -> SYMBOL from the pop-up menu.
4) A Symbol Description panel is displayed. Type the label entry you would
liked displayed on the Label: line.
5) <click> OK
You have now changed the label displayed, but to make it permanent, there
is one more step you need to follow so that NetView does not overwrite your
customized labels.
1) From the main EUI menu bar EDIT -> MODIFY/DESCRIBE -> MAP -> IPMAP ->
2) A Configuration panel will be displayed. Scroll down the last line of
the Configuration panel.
3) Select the FALSE option for "Should IP Map override user symbol
customization?" By setting this option, you will make sure your custom
labels are not overwritten. The one caveat is if your using DNS for name
resolution and a new node is discovered by IP address and later a hostname
is added to your DNS, the label will not be displayed with the DNS name. To
get by this, make sure your hostname is added to the DNS prior to attaching
the new node to your network. NetView will then discover the new node via
Hope this helps.
From: Adrian@TECNET.COM.AR on 01/27/99 03:08 PM ZW3
Please respond to NV-L@UCSBVM.UCSB.EDU
Subject: IP Network Number'sTranslation
** High Priority **
Hi all,
After customize the IP Map, I want to change the labels of IP Network
Symbols using the /etc/networks file, but I don't want to make a "restart
automatic map Generation".
I tried with "ovtopofix -A" but, It didn't work.
Is there any way to change the labes without delete the actual map.
Thanks in advance.