I think James is on vacation, so I will say it: Time to call support. But
first, have
you looked in /usr/OV/log/snmpCol.trace? Any clues there? And what do you
mean by flatline vs sparse? Zero values, or no values? Have you tried
at the data by all means? (from the different places on the menu, I mean).
Was it
collected and you can't graph it, or was it not collected?
Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking
(248) 552-4968 Voicemail, Fax, Pager
---------------------- Forwarded by Leslie Clark/Southfield/IBM on 04-02-99
11:02 AM ---------------------------
Greg Redder <redder@yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU> on 04-01-99 01:10:30 PM
Please respond to "REDDER Gregory J." <redder@yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU>
cc: (bcc: Leslie Clark/Southfield/IBM)
Subject: data being truncated?
NetView V5.0 on AIX4.2.1 ...
I'm collecting network utilization on some of our Cisco router
interfaces. Lately, I've noticed (this is just when I noticed
it. It may have been going on a while <smile>.) that the
data starts to flatline or at least become a lot more sparse
starting 3 days back and earlier. Heck, somoe of them just
plain flatline on anything more than 3 days ago! Why is
my collection data being truncated? I have 400Meg free
in that filesystem.
Thank you --Greg Redder
Network Analyst
Colorado State University
Greg Redder Academic Computing & Networking
Colorado State University, ACNS Phone:(970)491-7222 FAX:
601 S. Howes, Room 625 E-mail: redder@yuma.colostate.edu
Fort Collins, CO 80523 PGP